A short biographical book by Fei-Fei Li, basically the founder of modern AI. She was the first visionary to realize that AI needs a lot of data to become useful. She started a very ambitious project with ImageNet, which was a database with over a million images, all labeled and categorized. She was also one of the first to heavily make use of the mechanical turk program to have a lof of people work in parallel labeling images over the course of a few years. The book covers her life and journey, her life in China, the struggles of growing up as a girl that loves science where teachers failed to acknowledge and support her. As a teenager she moved to the United States with her parents, and then later on she studied physics at Princeton and Caltech. After her PhD she started working on ImageNet, and created a competition to have people submit their best image recognition algorithms. While the first few years were a bit disappointing where most of the submissions were simple regression algorithms with mediocre performance, finally in 2012 the ImageNet competition was won by the deep convolutional neural network, AlexNet, which started the whole AI revolution.

The book is very nicely written, very personal and using visual storytelling and a great book for everyone who is interested in AI to read.